Seeing God in discipline

Yesterday we celebrated my daughter’s birthday with donuts in the morning then pizza and cake in the evening. I also took her to Chipotle for a birthday lunch. So, I had a few extra calories without moving much.

I spent a good long while looking at photo memories from her birthday over the years. I came across the birth photos from the hospital where she was born. I cried feeling overwhelmed by the joy of those moments.

With all the birthday happenings, I hadn’t gotten a chance to go on my daily walk. It was night and storms were rolling in. I was determined to go on a walk, a long walk to make up for eating a lot and not moving all day. I packed up my ruck sack with a 35lbs weight and head off into the night. I said a short prayer to God… “Lord, give me Hebrews 12 discipline.” Walking with a weighted ruck sack made me wary of my injured knee giving out or injuring myself again. But I prayed scripture,

“Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

Hebrews 12:13

I opened my phone and loaded youtube and searched “discipline sermon”. I said, “God, whatever video pops up, I will take it as your word to me today.”

This sermon spoke to everything I had been contemplating that day. It’s not even a complete sermon… it cuts off at 34 minutes and I can’t find the rest of the sermon on youtube. He never even gets to the part about discipline. But, he talks about understanding how his words have power and it’s important to understand how it affects people. He talked about the birth of his child, being in the delivery room, seeing his son born. He talked about “The joy laid before him, he endured the cross”. He talked about standing at the bottom of the mountain with Moses asking him what he saw instead of going up the mountain to see God ourselves.

I thank God for speaking to me through this sermon, speaking to the exact thoughts, words, and situations happening in my life on that specific day even. I claim it as God’s daily manna for me. Sufficient for the day.

Give us each day ourĀ daily bread.

Matthew 6:9

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