Several weeks ago I was in the gym doing my regular routine. I do the trendy 12x3x30 exercise method on the treadmill every other day or so. This particular morning I was not feeling so well. I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath and my heart felt tight. I felt nervous and slightly light-headed. I ignored the feeling and kept working out, determined to push through the discomfort.
It got to the point that I could no longer avoid what I was beginning to think was a panic attack. I was relentless with my workout. I did not want this bane to interrupt my goal of finishing my workout. But I was confused. Once again, I was in a position of having to ask God, “Lord, you healed me from this, why is it coming back?” I began to pray…
I had my airpods in my ears and was listening to a random worship playlist. As I was praying, I said to God, “Lord, you gave me a vision of Jesus and that led to miraculous healing… I don’t doubt it, but I don’t understand.” As I finished my prayer to God, a new song queued up and began playing… with these words.
I cast my mind to Calvary
I began to cry, but I also felt peace. The confusion in my spirit and the tightest in my chest began to dissipate. I realized that the opening line of one of my favorite songs that I had been listening to on repeat for many of my prayer walks just happened to be the opening scene from my vision of Jesus. My mind had literally cast an image of Calvary onto my eyes. And then I realized another miracle…
My gaze transfixed on Jesus’ face
The closing line of the song was the last scene of my vision of Jesus when he looked down at me in my pit of despair, and me, lower than the dirt, held his gaze until he lifted me up and set me on his back.
The feeling or understanding or knowledge of God immediately replying to a prayer is the most overwhelming experience of Joy I could ever imagine on this side of heaven. As I have said in other posts, God reminded me, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.”
Seek the Lord and his strength and seek his presence continually.
1 Chronicles 16:11